utorak, 14. kolovoza 2018.

WiFi Antenna

WiFi Antennas - which one to use?
I will show you here what i build and what give me best gain.
Most of them are fractal types like minkowski

Here is the theoretical view:

This shape is not easy ti build in practic so i use ordinary insulated wire to
build this fractal shape.
Look this fragment or small part of fractal..it should be wire wind in
rectangular shape with ordinary electric tool like

..and do winding....

..as you can see that is the easiest way to build such a frctal with simple tools and with
electric insulated copper wire.
Of course we must know right dimension of elements or units.
Best size of each unit is size of wave in our case for wifi 2.4 ghz which is 30,5 mm.
What is L/4 of our wave, full wave is ~120mm
So our segment (unit ) should be long 120 mm..
Our shape have 20 sides so we must calculate 120/20 = 6 mm.
This is very small size to wind insulated wire ..and i found it very haed to do and i don't have
such a small tong,but i have one with 8 mm ...
So 8 * 20 = 160 mm,, looking to big
But if we calc 8*4 = 32mm...we get almost L/4 on each turn ..close to 30.5 mm
which is let say "good" size .
Look this new image which show sides of our fractal segment:

We see that each side is 32mm , close to Lambda/4 and whole size is
32 mm  x 4 side = 128 mm....   just 8 mm larger than our original full wave.